"May it serve as an undying promise, not only to those who looked to me for leadership, but to any soul who has known despair, that hope is everlasting."

Nin, 25↑, nb
italian, ADHD
ship and let ship
radically inclusive

I'm currently into way too many fandoms...
So here are some ships I like

Some other stuff I like:

  • Final Fantasy

  • Genshin Impact / Honkai: Star Rail

  • Drakengard / Nier

  • Fire Emblem


  • Granblue Fantasy

  • The House in Fata Morgana

  • Simoun

  • Persona 2

You can check all the anime I've watched on MyAnimeList. It's always up to date.

You're not welcome here if you are:

  • a minor (sorry but my account is NSFW/18+!)

  • a radfem / anti-shipper / fancop or agree with their fucked up puritanical and "kink critical" radfem rhetoric.

  • a TERF / TIRF / SWERF / SERF, truscum/transmed, exclusionist, whatever other terms they keep coming up with

  • an "anti-SJW" / right-wing / conservative / "pro-life" / pro-Israel

  • a tankie

  • someone who thinks "trap" is not a transphobic slur.

  • a NOMAP or anti-contact zoophile. i don't hate you for your paraphilia, but I'm not comfortable with you interacting with me either. pro-contact MAPs/zoophiles better stay away from me for their own safety or i will do great violence against them.

  • someone who has an issue with kodogenders. i'm shotagender whether you like it or not.

i block these people on sight.

My fav fictional content is consensual nsfw, BUT you should also expect to see on this account, from time to time:

  • Fictional sibling incest. I obviously don't condone it irl, as anyone with a brain should already know. I don't care about your misinformed opinion.

  • Mentions of other dark/taboo/transgressive fictional content. This includes age gap ships and some occasional shota/loli (usually sfw but it depends).

  • I might mention CGL ("DDlg") once in a while, as it is a coping mechanism and kink practice that's very dear to me.

  • this account is safe for he/him and they/them lesbians, bi/pan lesbians/gays and so on, because the split attraction model and nonbinary people are valid and radfems can stay mad about it.

  • yes to queer liberation. no to queer assimilation.

if you choose to follow me, i'll give for granted that you've read all of this and have no problem with it.

  • Please softblock/hardblock instead of just unfollowing if you're a mutual. If you have reasons to unfollow but not softblock, please tell me via DM so I won't get anxious over it when you do.

  • Don't block me as a joke if we're mutuals. (Joking about blocking is ok though.)

  • Sometimes I don't reply/stop replying to mentions/DMs for a few days. It usually means I'm busy or overwhelmed. It does not mean that I hate you, it just means I'm not in the condition to reply at the moment.

  • My account is a multifandom mess. I tend to jump from one fandom to another in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds. Seriously.

  • I like tweets a lot. I tend to like almost all replies in a convo i'm in and sometimes i go through people's accounts and like/RT plenty of tweets.

I'm a hellenic polytheist, mostly focused on Lord Dionysos Eleutherios.

Have a nice day!